White Collar Conference 2024 Video Available on YouTube
Jeff Grant
For those of you who missed our White Collar Conference 2024 on Sat., Oct. 19th, the videos are now up on YouTube. It was the first-ever conference by and for people prosecuted for white collar crimes and their families, friends, colleagues, clients and anyone in need.
I just watched the whole conference and it absolutely blew me away! Again!
The theme of the conference was “Starting Over: Out of Isolation and Into Community”. It is divided into four videos (the opening keynote/fireside chat and then three incredible panels) plus a mini-video on Reputation Management.
Below is the link to the first video, with opening remarks by Craig Stanland and a welcome by Jeff Grant, that sets the tone for a morning of impactful conversations. Following the opening, Brent Cassity, host of the Nightmare Success podcast, dives into a powerful keynote fireside chat with David Israel, Founder and CEO of GOOD PLANeT Foods. Together, they explore resilience, entrepreneurship, and life after incarceration, offering invaluable insights into overcoming adversity and finding purpose.
I hope you will join in and watch the entire White Collar Conference 2024 for all of the heartfelt stories, thoughtful advice, and life-changing takeaways. And please leave your thoughts and comments, they are most welcome and appreciated.
Blessings, לשלום,
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