Judgment to Curiosity: A Transformative Journey

Sabrena Morgan

Sabrena Morgan

In our fast-paced, hyperconnected world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of judgment. We make snap decisions based on limited information, often reinforcing stereotypes and limiting our understanding of the complex human experience. But what if we shifted our mindset from judgment to curiosity? What if we approached differences and unfamiliar situations with a desire to learn and understand rather than to critique and dismiss?

My Personal Experience with Judgment

After serving four years in federal prison, I assumed the whole world was going to judge me. I had my walls up and was constantly on guard, assuming people thought the worst of me. The stigma of my past loomed large, and I felt an overwhelming sense of shame and isolation.

An Unexpected Invitation

Then, I received an invitation that changed everything: my cousin’s retirement party from Homeland Security. Looking back this invitation was a huge blessing but at the time brought me so much anxiety. I was terrified, unsure of how I would be received. The thought of being around people in such high places made me dread their potential judgment.

A Welcoming Surprise

To my shock and relief, I was welcomed with open arms. The people at the party, many of whom held significant positions, did not judge me at all. Instead, they were extremely curious. They asked me questions about my prison experience, not out of morbid curiosity, but from a genuine desire to understand and know more.

That night, I realized that most people were not going to judge me; they just wanted to know more about my story. This experience was a revelation. It showed me that curiosity can break down the barriers of judgment and lead to deeper connections and understanding.

The Moment of Clarity

Years later, during a discussion with one of my closest friends, I was encouraged to move away from judgment and into curiosity. It was then that everything clicked. This was the grace I was given that night at the retirement party. Those words illustrated exactly what happened that night. People had chosen curiosity.

Embracing Curiosity

Curiosity is a powerful antidote to judgment. It opens us up to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives. When we approach life with curiosity, we ask questions, seek to understand, and remain open to being surprised. Curiosity is rooted in humility and a recognition that we do not have all the answers.

Benefits of Curiosity

  1. Enhanced Learning: Curiosity drives us to explore and acquire new knowledge. It keeps our minds active and engaged, leading to continuous personal growth.

  2. Improved Relationships: By being curious about others, we build deeper and more meaningful connections. We show genuine interest in their stories and experiences, fostering trust and empathy.

  3. Greater Creativity: Curiosity encourages us to think outside the box and consider alternative solutions. It fuels innovation and helps us overcome challenges in novel ways.

  4. Emotional Intelligence: Curiosity helps us better understand our own emotions and those of others. It enhances our ability to navigate complex social landscapes with sensitivity and awareness.

Moving from Judgment to Curiosity

1. Self-Awareness

The first step in moving from judgment to curiosity is becoming aware of our own biases and judgments. Reflect on the situations where you tend to judge others. Ask yourself why you feel the need to judge and what insecurities or fears might be underlying these judgments.

2. Mindful Observation

Practice observing without immediately forming an opinion. When you encounter something or someone new, take a moment to simply notice without jumping to conclusions. This mindful observation helps create a space for curiosity to emerge.

3. Ask Questions

Cultivate the habit of asking open-ended questions. Instead of making statements about others, inquire about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Questions like “Can you tell me more about that?” or “What led you to this perspective?” can open up rich dialogues and foster understanding.

4. Seek Diverse Perspectives

Expose yourself to different cultures, viewpoints, and experiences. Read books, watch films, and engage in conversations that challenge your existing beliefs. Diversity enriches our understanding and reduces the likelihood of judgment.

5. Practice Empathy

Put yourself in others’ shoes. Try to see the world from their perspective. Empathy is a powerful tool in transforming judgment into curiosity. It allows us to connect with the humanity in others and recognize our shared experiences.

6. Embrace Uncertainty

Accept that not everything needs to be understood immediately or fit into neat categories. Embracing uncertainty allows us to remain open to new information and perspectives, fostering a mindset of continuous curiosity.

The Transformative Power of Curiosity

Shifting from judgment to curiosity is not an overnight change but a continuous practice. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth. However, the rewards are profound. By cultivating curiosity, we create a more inclusive, empathetic, and vibrant world. We move from a place of fear and division to one of exploration and connection.

In a world often divided by differences, curiosity can be a unifying force. It reminds us that behind every face, story, and experience is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered. So, the next time you find yourself on the verge of judgment, pause, take a breath, and choose curiosity. The journey you embark on might just change your life.

Sabrena Morgan is an accomplished writer and TikTok creator and she is a member of the Ministry’s White Collar Support Group™ that meets every Monday evening on Zoom. You can experience more of Sabrena's content on Meduim and on TicTok.

We highly recommend Brent Cassity’s podcast, Nightmare Success, in which he interviews justice-impacted people from all walks of life. He is a White Collar Support Group™ member with a mission to be of service to our community.
Please check it out on Spotify or on your favorite podcast platform.

We highly recommend Brent Cassity’s podcast, Nightmare Success, in which he interviews justice-impacted people from all walks of life. He is a White Collar Support Group™ member with a mission to be of service to our community. Please check it out on Spotify or on your favorite podcast platform.

Progressive Prison Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Progressive Prison Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Progressive Prison Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.